My Story
I came from a small town of 9,000 in Ontario, Canada and was very driven from a young age. My parents were business people and in that intimate environment I learned the virtues of humbleness and integrity.
Treating people fairly, and making sure your reputation was golden; apart from virtue, was a matter of survival and success. I left my small town to go to university where I continued to think about and attract community. As the President of the Residence on Campus, I was reminded daily of the importance of creating allies and supportive relationships.
Treating people fairly, and making sure your reputation was golden; apart from virtue, was a matter of survival and success.
Treating people fairly, and making sure your reputation was golden; apart from virtue, was a matter of survival and success.

Meanwhile, one of the most transformational and innovative eras in all of modern history was just beginning. We were on the brink of an Internet revolution, where all of the rules for social and commercial interaction were being shuffled, re-considered and never thought of before ideas trail-blazed. It gave me the opportunity to make the conscious choice to be one of the trail blazers. If there was going to be a status quo, then I wanted to be a part of challenging it and re-creating it.
Having been an entrepreneur since age 12, I was always looking for opportunities, wherever I went and with whomever I spoke. Still in university, I started an Internet marketing company that struggled at first, but ended up netting over 3 million dollars in a single year, with just 6 employees. We continuously pushed the envelope in our enterprise, reinventing ourselves as the market evolved. Not one of us paid attention to dogma or the cult of mediocrity. We were too busy succeeding, and trail-blazing at the forefront of internet marketing.
It gave me the opportunity to make the conscious choice to be one of the trail blazers. If there was going to be a status quo, then I wanted to be a part of challenging it and re-creating it.
It gave me the opportunity to make the conscious choice to be one of the trail blazers. If there was going to be a status quo, then I wanted to be a part of challenging it and re-creating it.

Although I was quick to become a millionaire, I still had many difficult challenges to overcome. In my 20s, my health fell apart, and I felt unfulfilled and unaligned with my true self. In the name of ‘perfectionism’ I was in fact dedicated to finding, analyzing and criticizing the imperfections I perceived in myself and in everything around me. When I bought my first home, I recall standing on the balcony with a view of mountains, seals, and water all around. Amidst all this beauty I found myself focused on the negative, and worried about the little things that still needed to be done. Because I personally felt incomplete, I perceived everything around me as ‘incomplete’.
I experienced a couple of accidents that seriously injured my neck and back. Throughout most of my twenties I lived with chronic pain and anxiety. At one time even my libido began to deteriorate. In my despair, I wondered if I had AIDS because I was always getting sick, my skin was frequently plagued with acne and cold sores, and it would take weeks for even minor cuts and scratches to heal. My body stopped healing itself.
Throughout most of my twenties I lived with chronic pain and anxiety.
Throughout most of my twenties I lived with chronic pain and anxiety.

Meanwhile, I visited numerous doctors, specialists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and psychologists. At one point, I remember feeling overwhelmed with depression, and I thought I’d never be healthy again. What happened to being on top of the world? What happened to the success that I had found? It meant nothing as my body had fallen apart.
After exhausting what conventional medicine had to offer, I began looking for alternatives. On this quest for alternatives over the course of 10 years, over a million dollars and countless hours of research, I am happy to say, that I’ve found the answers I was looking for and far more than I ever expected—as well as a deeper recognition and understanding of the power of healing that lies within. I have met with countless experts, educated myself and acted on this knowledge.
On this quest for alternatives over the course of 10 years, over a million dollars and countless hours of research, I am happy to say, that I’ve found the answers I was looking for and far more…
On this quest for alternatives over the course of 10 years, over a million dollars and countless hours of research, I am happy to say, that I’ve found the answers I was looking for and far more…
I now live with a happy and healthy state of mind and body, a wonderful family, supportive relationships, independence and time to do what I love in an incredible home environment. I doubled my investments in 2008 (in spite of a downturn in the market) and expect to continue achieving exceptional returns. I have realized the mastery within that we all have access to. If I could do it, SO CAN YOU!
Success truly is a state of mind. It’s not about perfection, as I learned the hard way. It’s about curiosity, tireless research, and devoted action. To get to a place of abundance and fulfillment, you have to begin with the right frame of mind. Finding acceptance, humbleness, and understanding the riches we are all born with may be the greatest obstacle to overcome. Once you do, you will also understand that helping others to do the same is what multiplies this abundance. You will live a life full of HEALTH, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS.
The proven strategies that I share can benefit everyone. They are tried and true and have produced amazing results for many people, but test and examine them for yourself and you be the judge! Most importantly, believe in yourself because you are the only one who can MASTER YOUR GAME.
Challenge the Status Quo, and share what you’ve learned with others. I hope that you feel a shiver down your spine when you recognize the infinite possibilities you carry within. Live with passion and expect the life you’ve dreamed of—it’s yours to create! I am happy and honored to share this information with you.